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New Moon in Virgo Sept 2, 2024

Writer's picture: Jill JablonskiJill Jablonski

Happy New Moon in Virgo!!

Today’s New Moon occurs today, September 2, 2024 at 9:55pm EDT. Please adjust for your time zone.

The New Moon occurs when our unconscious awareness, the Moon, aligns with our conscious awareness, the Sun, to get on the same page in an area of our lives. New Moons are a time of new beginnings and setting new intentions, but even more than that, it’s a chance each month to expand ourselves into fulfilling even more of our potential in that area of our life where the New Moon is occurring in our chart. On average, you’ll have a New Moon (and a Full Moon) in each house, or area of life, depending on the size of the houses in your chart each year.


This New Moon is happening on the 12th degree of Virgo (11 degrees, 4 minutes). The Sabian Symbol indicates something has the potential to be unveiled, barriers are broken down, pretenses dropped. Situations are met with candor – feeling free to be open and honest. This is also where, if you follow Human Design or the Gene Keys, Gate/Gene Key 40 is located. When the gift of Gate 40 is embodied, it teaches us an important Virgo lesson: balancing your service to others with giving to yourself, and being open to and welcoming the support of others.


Virgo is the sign of mind-body connection, healing, self-improvement, organization, efficiency, attention to detail, and the pursuit of excellence (which is different from the unhealthy expression of Virgo as “perfection”). Virgo sees the potential available, observes the situation with a discerning eye, and sees exactly where, what, and how changes need to be made.  The healthy Virgo approach is to develop an organized plan that leaves little to chance, while still allowing for Divine Will.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces, opposing the New Moon in Virgo is asking you to go inward, be really honest with yourself, and bring into your conscious awareness the ways in which you engage in escapism or self-sabotage, and come up with a plan for self-discipline. Saturn is also reminding you to not neglect or sacrifice your spiritual life in favor of the 3D. Once again, balance and a holistic view is the key to overall wellbeing.

Virgo’s rulers, Mercury and Chiron, are having a lovely conversation from Leo to Aries, respectively. Mercury in Leo is a beneficial alignment of the mind (Mercury) and the heart (Leo); and with the trine to Chiron in Aries (supported by the North Node also in Aries), a healing occurs around the story of your identity, who you think you are and how you see yourself. As Mercury has just finished his latest retrograde trip, it’s important to look back and consider how far you’ve come on your healing journey, appreciate how courageous you’ve been and how much you’ve accomplished. Congratulate yourself and celebrate these wins as you look forward to making more strides toward your potential.

Mercury is also in aspect to Uranus who, from his location in Taurus, is challenging you to liberate yourself from any long-held values that are no longer in alignment with your vision for your future. Venus as the current ruler of Uranus is located in Libra and she connects with the South Node in Libra, she is indicating  that these worn-out values might be tendencies toward people-pleasing, peace-keeping at all costs, tolerating unhealthy relationships to avoid loneliness, indecision, or adopting others’ values as your own because you don’t have a sense of what you want for yourself.  Mercury and Chiron are informing Jupiter and Mars in Gemini that you have an excellent opportunity to expand yourself by acting on this new information coming from the heart.

As you formulate your intentions for the New Moon energies at play here, ask yourself and journal on these questions:

·       What is motivating me to make these changes? What is my “why?”

·       What would success look like? How will I know I’ve achieved my goal?

·       What actions must I take or commit to taking?

·       How do I typically sabotage myself, and what’s my plan to keep that from happening? How can I keep myself accountable?

·       What daily practices can I put in place to help keep on track?

May the New Moon in Virgo this year bring you ever closer to fulfilling your soul’s potential!


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